September 16, 2021. The Good, the Bad, and the Future: A Trustee Panel Discussion. Noon to 1:00 pm. Panelists - Lori Patton, Richard Webber, and Laurie Weatherford. Find out what the future holds for 341 meeting of creditors, required information provided in the Source, Chapter 7 buybacks, pet peeves, and participate in questions and answers.
It’s that time of year again – time to renew your CFBLA Membership for 2021. Membership runs from January 1 to December 31, 2021. Although it’s not clear when we will be able to hold in-person events, CFBLA is committed to providing high-quality CLE content every month via webinars for as long as necessary. All CLE webinars are being recorded and can be viewed on the CFBLA website. All webinar content is FREE for CFBLA members, and $25 for non-members. Our list of past and upcoming webinars can be found under the CLE/Web Videos & Slides Tab above. Other member benefits include reduced pricing on in-person lunch meetings and CLEs, social gatherings (including virtual gatherings) with your fellow bankruptcy practitioners, free attendance at the annual CFLBA holiday party, and reduced pricing on CFLBA’s annual seminar (all of which we’re still hopeful to be able to hold later in the year, pandemic permitting).
Membership Types & Fees
Attorney (Check $150.00 // PayPal $155.00) - A member in good standing of The Florida Bar or another state bar association.
Non-Attorney (Check $125.00 // PayPal $129.00) - Non-Attorneys, Paralegals, Consultants, auctioneers, and Students (membership fee is waived for law students). By profession or occupation, appear in Bankruptcy Court, or otherwise participate in Bankruptcy Cases, or is a paralegal employed by or associated with an attorney member.
Affiliate/Complimentary (Free) - An employee of the U.S. Trustee’s Office, the Clerk’s Office or is a Law Clerk for a Resident Judge of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Middle District of Florida, Orlando D
2021 CFBLA Membership